The Honey Jar


In 2008, our community established a student resource fund called “The TJ Honey Jar,” nicknamed after our mascot, Theodore the bear. Your contribution to “The TJ Honey Jar” will allow the principal and teachers to discreetly purchase helpful items for families in need.

Why cash contributions rather than donated goods?  After much consideration, we felt that a cash fund would provide the school with flexibility to meet the changing needs of students.  Also, the school would ensure that useful, new items are provided.  The school will receive the best discount prices possible, and will seek donations of specific items from stores.

Your tax-deductible donation to “The TJ Honey Jar” helps our community. Thank you for your contribution!

Make checks payable to:

“Theodore Judah” 

write student resource fund in the memo

and mail to:

Theodore Judah Elementary School

Student Resource Fund (“The TJ Honey Jar”)

3919 McKinley Boulevard

Sacramento, CA 95819