1st-6th Grade Enrollment
Neighborhood Enrollment for Grades 1-6
If you live within the Theodore Judah neighborhood boundaries, you can register your children at the SCUSD Enrollment Center.
For the 2023-2024 school year, neighborhood enrollment for grades 1 – 6 will begin in late spring at the SCUSD Enrollment Center. Please check this page for updates as we get closer to that time.
Open Enrollment
The 2023-24 Open Enrollment Application will be available February 1st – February 15th, 2023 . Please use this link for more information: https://www.scusd.edu/open-enrollment-k-8
Open Enrollment will be made available based on space availability in grades K-6. If your child is accepted, Theodore Judah then becomes the school of residence through grade 6. There is no need to annually re-apply.
The window to submit 2023-2024 Intra-District Permit Transfer Requests will be April 1, 2023 – May 1, 2023. Please use this link for more information: https://www.scusd.edu/permit-requests
Families may apply by submitting a completed permit application to our SCUSD Enrollment Center. Permits are approved based on space availability.