Happy New Year
from Principal Holding
Dear Judah Families:
Let me begin by wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with many successes and continued progress. During winter break, I hope you had the chance to catch up with friends and family and enjoy some rest and relaxation. I certainly spent some time reflecting on 2017 and think about the work and opportunities that lie ahead in 2018.
As we approach the holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King JR., Dr. King’s work, and his legacy, I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes of his, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
One of the things I appreciate most about our Theodore Judah’s staff is that we are not silent about the things that matter and together we continue to provide a high-quality service for children and families. At Theodore Judah, we place great value on seeing our students showing continued success and academic progress as they move through their academic journey while here at Judah. I am excited to begin our work for the second half of the school year to ensure that learning continues. As we ring in the new year, we see this as an opportunity to check in with students and families to ensure that our students are on-track, prepared and ready for the second half of the year. What I have observed, as we approach the midpoint of the school year, is that students are academically strong and that our instructional and support team remains energized.
Theodore Judah continues to strive to become a school focused on educational equity and find unique and innovative ways to partner, support and create opportunities that make our neighborhood school a place where all children enjoy learning, develop strong relationships, and continue to grow each day socially, emotionally, and academically. As always, thank you for your continued support.
With Regards,
Troy Holding